Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Using a Model Helicopter to DIY RC Aerial Photography

RC helicopters are the perfect platform for aerial photography. Recent developments in wireless video systems, gyroscopic stabilization and electronics have made it possible to take high quality images and video with a RC helicopter.

Alan Ramsdell is an electrician and long time RC enthusiast who lives in Sanford, Maine. Recently, he has begun retrofitting one of his RC helicopters with a high resolution digital camera to do RC aerial photography. The helicopter is also equipped with an infrared sensor mounted on the tail, which can sense the temperature difference between the ground and the sky. It uses this to self stabilize, and helps to steady the camera when doing RC aerial photography.

The modified RC helicopter is also equipped with a radio which sends a wireless video signal to the ground, so that Ramsdell can see what the camera sees. Once the helicopter is in position, a switch on the transmitter will trigger the camera. This allows the helicopter to be used for very high quality, targeted RC aerial photography.

RC photography is a great way to get aerial pictures and video, without the expense of hiring an actual plane and pilot. Depending upon the features of the RC helicopter, and whether its an off the shelf solution or you built it yourself, you can expect to pay anywhere from $2000 to $20,000 for equipment.

Learning tofly RC helicopters can be difficult, so its best to get a trainer model, learn with an instructor, and then progress to RC aerial photography. Ramswell's website: www.maineaerialphotography.net has many stunning examples of RC aerial photography, produced using his own invention.

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